Monday, February 27, 2017

A new theory for Gun Control

        Military Grade
    This week the 4th Circuit U.S. Appeals Court ( found in favor of Maryland’s gun control law on the basis that the restrictions were based upon a weapon’s military grade.

    In an interesting application of - Resistance is Futile - the man who was responsible for writing the law in 2013 and pushing it through the Maryland State Senate was then State Senator Brian Frosh.

   Now in 2017 Brian Frosh has become Maryland’s chief law enforcement agent; Attorney General. In his new job he defended his own law against a legal challenge and  managed to get a ten to four vote in favor of Maryland's gun law.

   The reason they supported it was a new theory created by the Court Justices themselves strong opponents to the Second Amendment. The theory? Weapons could be proscribed it they were "Military Grade!"

    My immediate question for you; is there an actual definitive line between what is "military grade" and civilian grade thus not protected by a Second Amendment?

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