Sunday, March 5, 2017

What can be worse than to dwell here?

 - if there be in Hell Fear to be worse destroy'd: what can be worse Then to dwell 
 (Milton, Paradise Lost. Book II.)

 Last week, on Groundhog day in my daily passing through the  phantasmagoric world of the 
21st century America, I came across a silly story. One so silly as to be typical of the 
logic of Social and Legal standards of our brave new nation. Thus, quite normal and 
worse; Logical?

 A sheriff arrested a 72 year old school bus driver for slapping a 6 year old child in 
her care. The child’s mother was pressing charges for child abuse, and civil penalties in 
the high six figures.

  - BLUE EARTH, Minn. (AP) -- A Blue Earth school bus driver has been charged with 
slapping a 6-year-old passenger who she says was unruly.

Seventy-two-year-old Jane Brooks is charged with fifth-degree assault.

Brooks says the 6-year-old was hitting a smaller child on the head with his book bag 
during an afternoon route Sept. 14.

She says the boy refused to move to another seat so she had to physically move him. The 
child then began kicking passengers across the aisle. Brooks says she radioed for help 
and school staff told her to move other children away from the boy.

The Fairmont Sentinel reports as Brooks was doing so, the boy spit on the children in the 
seat behind him.

A criminal complaint says Brooks told the boy to stop spitting and when he did so again, 
she slapped him across the face.-

 The mother in her de rigueur on camera interview for the local news media the mother 
admitted the boy has - behavior problems.- But even if he spit on another kid or the 
driver that wasn’t any reason to slap his face.

 What can be worse than to dwell here?
A few days later, I came across this follow up story.
BLUE EARTH — A former Blue Earth Area Schools school bus driver charged with assaulting a student on a bus has reached an agreement with a state prosecutor in the case. According to the agreement, the criminal complaint against Jane Brooks, 72, will be dropped if she has no assault-related or disorderly conduct-related violations for a year. Failure to do so would result in a reinstatement of criminal proceedings. A fifth-degree assault charge was brought against Brooks after a September incident involving a misbehaving 6-year-old boy on Brooks’ bus. Brooks slapped the boy’s face after repeated attempts to stop him from hitting and spitting at other children, according to court documents. Brooks resigned from the job in October. Prosecutor Troy Timmerman told the Fairmont Sentinel it was a difficult decision to file the assault charge, and in a case such as this the agreement is the most equitable resolution for the accused and for the state.

The final 2 results seem to have been.

1)   Terminated one caring adult driver who was disciplining an out of control 6 year old spoiled brat.
She will stay home and no longer contribute to society.
2)   Formalizing in the soon to be 7 year old spoiled brat that no one has the right to tell him what to do.
He'll be back!

And all my liberal friends are crying about how against the grain and undisciplined President Trump is?

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