Monday, April 6, 2020

An Office in Hand

I just got call from a salesman from “Hiboo” who wants to build me a web page. And it will only cost me $119.00/month.

I wasn’t interested. But what was interesting was his persistence. He tested me on my type of business, Real Estate. He tried me on getting quality advertising on the web for my business.

I told him I was getting all those things free from my next door neighbor. But he asked me what I would do when it didn’t pan out. I told him I’d just go next door and pound the neighbor into the ground.

He laughed and said that wasn’t the best way. That for the $119.00 he’d get the job done.

Finally after several rebuffs, he allowed me to get off the phone, saying he’d be happy to hear back from me.

First, I had been called because on the net, I had filled out too much info as I tried to investigate whether “Hiboo” of what ever was the software I was looking for. Once it was there, there was no pulling it back, nor telling them “Please don’t call me, Thank you very much. So his call was inevitable.

That said, his final warning that I really needed him to get the world to see my offerings fell flat on its face. Because here he was on my speaker phone, in my office, firmly ensconced telling me how isolated I am.

A pause here, to think about my isolation.

Sitting here, Miki has gone to her sister’s to help her with “a computer problem” between the quotes insert her sister a very intelligent woman insists on being a luddite when it comes to electronics. TV, radio, computer, cell phone, what ever you are thinking of.

So, I am alone, only the housekeeper and three dogs and a cat for warm blooded company. Of course there is the TV. The satellite fed internet signal into my TV, which Samsung insists is a “Smart TV. An incredible overstatement of its powers. Smarts it has none. And I have my “Smart Phones” two cell numbers. And my satellite fed computers, yep more than one. And include here our several iPads.

But it is the iPhones which only 10 y ears ago were a brand new phenomena since they took our very nice little clam-shell cell phones and put computers and touch screens on them. They have become my office.

As I sit here writing this I have finally decided to make the next leap, I plan to move my office into a Apple smart watch, for the convenience of not have to worry about where I have left it.

My 21st century office, is Open for Business. Just Google Bill Husztek and see what you need from me.

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