Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Racist Covid-19 Virus

IN Virginia Today its still bad, too!

After 400 years of slavery - A bloody Civil War -  KKK -
A century of Jim Crow laws - and having to rip down
the Racist monuments we get this!

Today in his news conference Governor Northam revealed the nasty little secret which is too horrid to face. Covid Virus is an ethnic cleanser!

When he presented the statistics yesterday and today they showed that African Americans were the virus' target of choice, almost 3 to 1.

When I first heard of it, I thought, Wow a Virus which is committing racial genocide against blacks.
But I took a moment to look it up. That's where I learned,

"To qualify as genocide, the actions must be down with intent to eliminate an entire group of people. Without proveable intent a group or individual can still be guilty of `crimes against humanity' or `ethnic cleansing' but not genocide."

Being ignorant at this time of any mental ability of this or any other virus, I have to accept it has no intent, it just does what it does with a bias against blacks and brown skinned people by a factor of two or three to one.

Well so much for silly, or as my critics will say, my latent racism.  If asked I prefer to label it "Common Sense  Realism in a technicolor World."

When I meet two men walking side by side in the street I tend to notice that they may be the following. Two white guys. Two black guys. Or A white guy and a black guy, or A black guy and a white guy. In every case I notice their skin color! And that my enemy is the total depth of my racism.  I do notice things in black and white and brown.

Beyond that, I have no bias to exercise for or against either guy. it is only as I interact with one, the other, or both that I develop any more thoughts about them as people.

But not so with this virus which is now killing blacks and browns at a meaner rate than whites. It is a discriminating killer.

What I worry about now is the Silly Session we are about to have over our Social Responsibility  to even out the numbers. 

And trust me it will come. Some pandering politician will soon come up with a tax plan which attempts to spread the death to all races equally.

Now let's sit and watch and see who and how soon they arrive, shall we?

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