Monday, April 13, 2020

Who is in Charge? The People, or ????

About seven people who got $100.00 fines for partying during a city ordered stay at home law.

John Wunder Good.
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 · Reply · 13h
Bill Husztek
Bill Husztek This is a sad commentary upon our Nation. Go read the First Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S.A. as a Vietnam veteran I fear it will not survive your generation's willingness to give up your hard-earned libertys to group hysteria to the politicians regardless their brand. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,"
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 · Reply · 12m
Bill Husztek
Bill Husztek I'd say the government owes those folks a refund plus an award for pain and suffering. Unless someone wants to try to tell me that the individual citizen doesn't have the right to determine matters regarding their health.
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 · Reply · 9m
Bill Husztek
Bill Husztek Let me help you - 'NO WOMAN WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO AN ABORTION." on demand without her husband and father and brother and son agreeing to it.
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 · Reply · 7m
Bill Husztek
Bill Husztek No one wants to get sick. I'm allergic to tobacco smoke. Most of my adult life people had the right to smoke inside anywhere except other people's homes. I ended up buying a tobacco farm. After that I figured I was getting my revenge, and told smokers, Light up, you are paying my mortgage!
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 · Reply · 3m
Bill Husztek
Bill Husztek But, if someone wants to make themselves sick smoking, who are we to stop them? The same goes for partying during cold season, flu season, or Colvid-19 season. I can't recall anyone ever apologizing to me when I got sick from second hand smoke. I survived, some didn't. That's what freedom demands, that's what freedom costs.

Bill Husztek Let me ask one last question. Who decided that gatherings of more than 10 people were dangerous promoters of the disease, but 10 or less were healthy? A doctor? A governor? A mathematician? HMM.

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